Acne: What went wrong?

Did your skin suddently start breaking out?
Do you also wonder why do you have it?
Or that what went wrong? 

Don't worry you are not the only one there millions across the globe facing the same problem.

ACNE is a skin condition when it is occupied by mulitiple zits ( papules, macules, pustules or cysts).

Its is one of the leading skin conditions around the globe. Though it isn't a serious health issue, it is still one of the highly sought condition as it causes cosmetic problems and leads to social anxiety and stress in patients.    

What causes ACNE?

Many factors lead to acne. Absence of some while presence of other factors may cause deteriorated skin condition, hence Acne

Following are some of the factors that may lead to acne.

Hormones: During puberty, along with other changes the hormonal levels also fluctuate especiallye testosterone that leads to an increased sebum production which in turn amplifies bacterial growth thereby causing pores to clog. Sebum collects over time and forms a zit when it happens on a higher level, it leads to Acne.

Environment: Living in hot, humid climates may lead to increased sweat and sebum production hence, clogging pores. Humidity also facilitates bacterial and fungal growth. Living in regions with high air pollution may also worsen the condition, if not cause it. 

Diet: Poor dietary habit might be one the causes. Dairy products, chocolate, sugar has been repeatedly reported to have exacerbated acne. Gluten intolerance may lead to a similarly presenting skin condition but research hasn't proven any relationship between acne and gluten intake. In such cases, a gluten tolerance test might be helpful and treatment will be avoiding gluten containing CARBs.

Hydration: Drinking water is not a cure but a preventive factor for acne. Dry skin may lead to an increased oil production, thereby acne. Water has many other beneficial effects on skins but treating acne is not one of it.As per Mayo clinic daily fluid intake for men is 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) and 11.5 cups( 2.7litres) for women.

Skin type: Oily skin types are reportedly more prone to acne but people with dry skin may also experience it because of various environmental factors and state of hydration. (discussed here)

Personal habits: Touching ones face all the time or pricking on zits may further exacerbate the problem and may also lead to deep scars, difficult to treat. So as satisfying as it is to poop those zits, avoidance is the key if you want good skin

Skincare routine: A good cleansing routine may help reducing the problem. A well-suited face-wash, exfoliant, toner, serum and moisturizer will help keep your skin clean and healthy. Don't forget to add a good sunblock to your skincare regimen. (click here)

Makeup routine: If you're currently struggling with acne, hiding it is certainly not the best option. As makeup may further clog your pores thus exacerbating acne further. A tinted moisturizer or light weight foundation with a good concealer should be enough to cover up mild acne and scars. Of you have moderate to severe acne, you may wanna focus on your skincare first. ITS BETTER TO CURE ACNE THAN HIDE IT.





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