5 times you treated your skin wrong!

We all do things our way. sometimes to make them easier other times because we are told so. Truth is our skin may or may not respond to a harsh stimulus right away. Careless skin practices may lead to irritation to acne and sometime even bad pigmentation. Here is 5 times you treated your skin wrong.

  1. Physical scrubs: Physical scrubs, themselves are bad for skin but buying a cheaper product might be even worse.  These scrubs use almond, walnut and apricot seeds and shells, grounded, in their scrubs. But cheaper brands don't play much heed to the grain size and scrub quality. Not that their aren't good scrub that a goon the pocket but skincare require a lot of fishing if you want to go for cheaper product that might lead to a whole lot of skin damage. I personally would recommend chemical defoliants and then even milder ones among them. like an AHA based serum does the job so well you won't even need proper exfoliation. its mild on the skin and good on the pocket.

  2.  Moisturize: Cutting off on moisturizer because of acne or oil is the worst one may do to his skin. as drying one's skin out can lead to an increase in oil production and washing extensively with soaps may lead to an even disturbed skin pH, hence increased acne. What's better is washing you face twice a day or three times at max and then using a water based moisturizer the will not add to oil but also keep the skin hydrated throughout the day.

  3. Treating acne with lemon and vinegar:  acne prone skin is a whole another level of sensitive and putting anything with acids might not be the best decision as it may even cause skin reaction and even more acne as it disturbs skin pH  and leads to the disturbance in the natural flora of the skin. The much better option for acne would be leaving it be and seeing a dermatologist.

  4. Water: Water is the key as drinking water keeps your skin hydrated from within. keeps it rejuvenated and healthy. No amount of serums/moisturizer can compare to water as it makes your skin glow from within. as serums and moisturizers focus on keeping the surface layers from drying out.

  5. Sunblock: Excessive sun exposure may not be the best option when it comes to skin. It leads to an increased free radical production and premature aging as well as skin cancer. So it better putting on a sunscreen before leaving one's home. one may use physical or chemical ones as what matters most is the spf content. one must prefer spf 60+ if using sunblock alone but if one is using a variety of spf based products one may layer products with spf 15/30 with a good sunblock.

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